Each family has a their own version and a name of cooking a dish and this is my grandma's/mom's way or native special of making undrallu. Most of you might know that it can be made like a sweet just like kozhukattai or modak or even adding the balls in coconut jaggery mixture. This recipe is a savoury version using the same rice balls called as undrallu in my home language. Can be had as a snack or breakfast/tiffin.

Boiled Rice - 1 cup
Salt as needed
Oil - 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad dhal - 3/4 tsp
Hing/Asafoetida - a pinch
Curr leaves - few
Coriander leaves - few chopped
Onion - 1 chopped fine
Green chillies - 5 chopped or slit long
Ginger - a small piece chopped or grated
Coconut grated - 2 tbsp

Was and soak the rice for 4 - 5 hours and later grind to a very smooth paste in a grinder/mixer. Can also add little salt while grinding. Transfer the ground paste in a thick vessel add a tbsp of oil and cook by stirring all the time till it is thick enough to get a dough conistency. Cover with a lid. Apply oil to your hands and take a small amount of dough and roll between your palms to a round small marble like. Repeat the same with the remaining dough. This dough is just like the preparation of my Idiayppam dough.
The other way to make the dough is using the rice flour. Take rice flour and little salt. Heat water until it boils and bubbles up, add salt in the same. Now pour the hot water and mix with the help of a long spoon/ladle. Rest for a while and use your hands to knead to a soft dough. Make small marble sized balls and keep aside.
At home they use boiled rice version with soaking and grinding to make this as we get very soft and smooth balls though the later one is much simpler and easy.

Cooking the balls.
Place them all in a plate or vessel and steam on high in a pressure pan or idli cooker for 12 - 15 mts. Check them and cook for another few minutes if it is not done.
Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds, urad dhal wait for few seconds and add hing and curry leaves. Immediately add chopped onions and fry till light brown. Next add green chillies, ginger, salt and fry for another 3 minutes. Then add the cooked/steamed rice balls and mix well. Also add grated coconut and mix and fry again for 2 - 3 minutes. Remove and serve as it is or with any chutney.
45 comments/Reactions:
Hey, this is tottaly new to me..looks delicious and tasty!!
Nice idea of making kozhukattai's. i usually prepare the sweet one with coconut and jagarey.
looks like sundal..but to think its rice..wow
Simple, healthy and favourite of my husband
oh my..i want ir right now..looks superb deary!!!yummy yumm
we call this mani kozhakattai...just wanna gobble everyhting from the plate
Hey Padma,
Just Loved it:-))))) Will surely try it out!
Lovely ! I have never heard this before .It just tempts me to try it out . will surely give a try.
They look cute..I love your version.How we make is very bland and I could use some flavors there..I would love to try yours Padma!
I love undrallu.. looks yummy and tempting.
Love this ...they look so cute and tempting, Padma !
Looks lovely..comeout so perfect...
We call this as mani kozhukattai, my mom's fav kozhukattai, its was quite a long had this steam cooked rice balls...Fantastic!
Yummy..my favou too..cute click Dear:-)
I have never had this but it looks really good Padma:)
So looks like Sundal. We make little bigger. perfect breakfast recipe.
Padma.Such a great recipe.
I too make a similar version of this Padma...yours looks so good with all the seasonings...nice click :)
Looks great!!, I made this once my hubby wasn't very impressed but everybody in the house loved it, your pics look so good!!
I love this version of kozhukattai very much..never made it at home, used to have this as prasadham in a temple near my home while growing up.
We too make this and we call neer urundai,we need a lots of patience to make this ,neat job u have done!
I had it once prepared by my friends mother. It tasted nice. The picture looks great boss...
The neer kozzukattai looks fantastic!
looks absolutely delicious Padma :)
Loved it, padma !
aare wah! padma something really new and interesting :)
Looks ver nice padma..We too make this but we add crushed pepper & jeera :)
the savory kozhukattais look delicious and appetizing!!
Wow...Cute and lovely kozhukattai...
Looks so cute and delicious but never tasted before, beautiful photo too...
nice one...we love this
Very nice and interesting dish. Looks delicious and tempting. Wonderful pic.
Hi padma,this looks delicious though its time consuming its worth making for sure...wish i could taste some as i am so lazy to do such dishes, i always look out for an easy option where there is less work in the kitchen...but this certainly looks very interesting and am surely gonna try it...thanks for the recipe...
Wow.. this is really a tasty dish. :) Nice idea of making kozhukattai's..love to try this.Thanks for sharing such rice recipe padma.
Hi Padma,
Pic looks so much tempting me....
I feel like grabbing the plate out from it....
used to make the non veg version of this.But never tried the veggie version.Thanks for sharing!
What cute kozhukattais! Looks delicious!
Undralu sounds terrific, we too make it more or less in simialr fashion, looks perfect and tempting:)
This is is very new and unique to me..Grandmoms are always a treasury.Each one a complete cook book..
I have seen the sweet version of this and always got tempted to make it, your savory version is even better , i feel like grabbing few spoons right from the pic :)
wow dish photo is simply super and inducing to eat. yummy and tasty
Looks lovely.. making all those balls must have taken so many times.
This one is a cool one. I am sure the kids will love them due to marble sized balls. Will definitely try this one. BTW, I am hosting an ongoing event and my first one too. Check it out if you are interested. It is totally about baking though.
Wow, nice small white balls. I liked the spicy version. Hats off to ur patience in making those balls Padma.
Very very appetizing...this item is a favorite in my family...
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