For soft kambu dosas
Kambu/peart millet/bajra flour - 2 cups
Urad dhal - 1 cup
Methi/fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp
Salt as needed
Wash and soak urad dhal along with methi seeds for 2 hours. Later grind to a smooth paste.
In a big vessel mix in flour along with water to a batter consistency, add in the urad dhal paste and salt...(or an other way is after you are done grinding with urad dhal to a smooth consistency, add in the flour with little water in the grinder itself and allow it to get mixed in that itself, so run for another couple of minutes...remove and salt) mix well. Allow it to ferment over night. Next day heat a tawa/griddle, take a ladle full of batter and pour in as dosas...spray some oil and turn to cook other side.
For slightly crisp dosas:
Kambu/pearl millet/bajra flour - 1 1/2 cups
Raw rice - 1/2 cup
Urad dhal - 1/2 cup
Methi/fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp
Wash rice and dhal , soak together with methi seeds and followe the same procedure as above.
In India mom and grandma used fresh kambu/pearl millet. They used to soak and grind them. Here in US, we get just the flour. They also come out well.
Sending this entry to Shama's

15 comments/Reactions:
Hi Padma,
It's cute! you guys make kambu doasa with a recipe from Kollankinar. I am impressed you can digest kambu dosa. Well! my parents are with us right now! I will let them know about your recipe and in fact a while ago we were talking about kambu dosa.
Thanks for your comments :) ..looks like you are also from Kollankinar, if I am right ... Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comments.. do try .. it is really healthy and with the powder that we get here . it is very easier to prepare and also now I liked that taste :D
Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.
Hi Padma, Thanks for Kambu dosai recipe.. I tried it out last weekend and all of us loved it.
Thank u Priya for trying and giving me your feedback. Keep visiting :D
wow nice mouth watering dosa i will try this..
padma dosa looks wonderful hope you can send it to the millet event on my site
dosa looks wonderful padma hope you can join the event http://torviewtoronto.blogspot.ca/2012/07/know-your-flours-millet-flour-event.html
Hi Padma,
Thanks a lot for this wonderful recipe, its a good blend of the old & new techniques, I love this idea.
Will try this today....
Love ur blog,all dosa varieties,just start a blog,visit if u get time.
Happy to follow you.
can you tell me the measurement of fresh kambu for this dosa? And how long should the kambu be soaked before grinding?
Hi Padma, I have been making Ragi or Wheat dosa and my kid wants white dosa which I used to make :) . Thanks for the post. I can cheat him with this dosa. For making Kambu idli, will this flour work out?
Healthy and time saving recipe. Can you tell me which brand Bajra flours will work? I am in USA.
Healthy and time saving recipe. Can you tell me which brand Bajra flours will work? I am in USA.
I have kambu flour and was wondering what to do with this. Will try this. Thanks for this.
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