In my earlier posts I have mentioned some recipes that my Gomathi Athai shared with me along with pictures that she sent. This recipe is also shared in by her along with the picture.
This sweet can be made very soon and you can also increase the quantity as per your requirement as and when you are making itself.
As a variation she also mentioned that we can use 2/3 of the portion with maida/all purpose flour. Keep it in a vessel or bowl and steam on medium for 25 - 30 minutes. When removed and it should be very hard to pressin. Remove and crumble and or sieve in a siever for smooth texture. Half the portion add food colour and follow the below steps to make as boondhi.
Besan/Chick peas flour/Kadalai maavu - 1 cup
Sugar - 3/4 - 1 cup ( depending on sweetness needed)
Water 3/4 cup
Perforated ( Boondhi ladle)
Oil for deep frying
Fried raisins and cashewnuts - few
In a thick vessel take sugar and water and boil to make a thick syrup. Once the sugar dissolves reduce flame and wait for few minutes. Remove and keep ready.
Mix besan with water slowly and make a paste like bhajji mix. Should not be very light. Meanwhile heat oil for deep frying. Take a boondhi ladle and place above( to be comfortable use your left hand for that). Also a take a ladle full of batter on that other hand and gently pour and rub on the bondhi ladle. You can see small droplets falling into the hot oil like beads/pearls. Do not overcrowd. Fry them till oil sizzles. Do not have to make them crispy. Remove and immerse in the hot syrup. Wait for 2 - 3 minutes and remove the prepared boondhis from the syrup and transfer to a different vessel. Repeat until you are done with the batter.
As mentioned above can also use the maida and prepare the batter and pour them as boondhis and immerse in the syrup. Mix everything to make multicolored boondhis. Mix everything that you prepared with raisins and cashewnuts.
25 comments/Reactions:
Boondi looks delicious I love this sweet.
Looks nice.. i love boondi..
wow ..just pass some here Padma...looks delish
Looks so tempting !!
mouthwatering recipe!!
Wat a colorful boondi...lov it
Iam drooling..........
I never tried doing this at home... Should taste heaven... homemade...
Well done Padma..
Simply delicious..
I have made boondi laddu many times. I loved the green colored ones. I hadn't heard of adding maida. Thanks for that info. It probably will make the boondis crunchier I think.
wow...colourful bhoondhi
wow...colourful bhoondhi
Padma this dish looks colourful
beautiful n delicious looking boondis..ahh..wonderful treat to my eyes...
Mmm looks delicious! YUM!
lovely boondis keep some for me I am coming over.
Lovely boondi Padma..
Looks colorful and delicious, beautiful click too..
Padma, I love meetha boondi and I love those colors so much :)
Wat a droolworthy sweet boondhi, have nt had since a long...lovely and colourful sweet..
hi padama,
this is very coloufull and perfect dear...My fav too...
Tempting and colourful
Colourful and delicious boondi..
colurful looking boondis
Didn't know, maida could be used to make bhoondi. Guess, use of maida is better in case of colored ones.
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